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moving main menu buttons down | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Koos Dec 25 '10
Hi there,

I'm customizing the graphite theme, but after a day of fiddling (and learning css ;) no luck yet.

Problem: I can increase the header size, but the buttons of the main menu are not moving down (see image). I want to put a nice photo in the header...

I tried:
- editing directly in base.css : nothing changes, even deleting the base.css file has no effect
- turning on 'OW_DEV_MODE', true in the config.php file : no effect
- changing the header size from the oxwall admin area theme settings -> theme customization -> page header heigt : this works, but the menu buttons are not moving along
-> editing the css from the oxwall admin : some things work, but trying to change .ow_page_layout_scheme has no effect

Can someone tell me how to customize this template in this way?
I think I'd rather directly edit in the base.css which would give me full control.


  moth.JPG (34.54Kb)
Koos Dec 28 '10
Got there.
I modified the "master pages" in ow_themes" -> graphite -> master_pages
To be able to change that I needed to make the directory writeable.
Still don't understand what oxwall is doing with the themes, and what the difference is between ow_themes and ow_static...


Koos Jan 2 '11

The changes I made got lost (see www.moth.nl/oxwall )
Can someone please help? I think I'm missing the point somewhere since I don't understand how Oxwall handles the themes.
Where to make the changes? In ow_static? In ow-themes? In the admin area under "edit theme"?
I'n not giving up yet, but this has cost me nearly 3 days...


Den Team
Den Jan 4 '11
Hello Koos and sorry for a long response.
I recommend you to make changes via Admin Panel->Appearance->Edit theme->CSS
Using firebug and this interface is the best way to save your changes after autoupdates :)
But you can make changes directly in files (base.css and master pages), but in this way you can lose your changes. To make changes directly, set DEV_MODE in true position before.
ow_themes - this folder stores template's DEFAULT master pages, images and css
ow_static - stores actual master pages, images and CSS. So make chages in this folder. When you click "Reset to default", all theme will be copied from ow_themes folder.

Let me know you still have any questions
Koos Jan 14 '11
Hi Addenster,

Thanks for the answer. What I don't understand is that you can also change the height of the header in one of the theme settings (under header height). Should I change that? Or only change code in the edit css?
It's sorted, but I'm doing the platform update now, so I might have to get back to you ;)


Koos Feb 4 '11
Hi Add,

Did the update now, and changed the css.
But, I still need to edit the Master pages to make the buttons move down with the header image. Changed general.html and dndindex.html
It would be lots easier if these Master pages change too when you change the header. Think this is a little mistake.
For the rest I'm very happy with oxwall. Will slowly move my new site online, once it is really good ;)


Den Team
Den Feb 7 '11
Thanks Koos.
Will take it in mind.
adarsh Dec 3 '11

where is  Admin Panel first?