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Wrong feedback display type in language when key exists | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jun 7 '16
in version 1.8.3 if the key exists already when adding a key, it gives you a green info background that says the key already exists. It should be error (red) instead of info (green). 


line 1135

OW.info('" . OW::getLanguage()->text('admin', 'msg_dublicate_key') . "');

need to be 

OW.error('" . OW::getLanguage()->text('admin', 'msg_dublicate_key') . "');

but since there is no OW.error then maybe this

OW::getFeedback()->error(OW::getLanguage()->text('admin', 'msg_dublicate_key'));

ps... by the way the proper spelling guys is duplicate not dublicate 

thanks ;)

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 8 '16
ross Team
ross Jun 8 '16
Dave you're right regarding this: 


line 1135

OW.info('" . OW::getLanguage()->text('admin', 'msg_dublicate_key') . "');

need to be 

OW.error('" . OW::getLanguage()->text('admin', 'msg_dublicate_key') . "');


OW.error - this is a javascript functional. 

dave Leader
dave Jun 8 '16
oh ok bud,  so its the js that needs to be changed
dave Leader
dave Jun 8 '16
oh wait your saying thats why i could not find it, it comes from js not php oh ok 
dave Leader
dave Jun 8 '16
lol now thats is some funny $#$% man.. in my first post (corrected) i put 

proper selling

not proper spelling... lmao  

what is it they say live by the sword die by the sword lol :)