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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
David Jun 28 '12
Hello everyone

I just did a fresh install of oxall and spent some time configurating all (I come from Joomla background) - but I put a "visitor password" thinking "no problem, as admin I am not a visitor and I can find it here...

but I have forgotten it... and now oxall asks for it even before login?

so I am spending some time in the files on FTP and on the database...

does someone know where this password is stored..? encrypted? or if I can hack some core file to comment out the function which codes for visitor sign in? (until I can go to admin back office... for which I have code)

thanks for your answers!!


Joseph Jun 29 '12
in your sql go to ow_base_config and find guests_can_view_password next to that will be the password to get in
David Jun 29 '12
Thanks, that was fantastic!!