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incorrect labels on buttons | Forum

Jayesh Jun 26 '16

I am new to oxwall, i am facing issue after installation of oxwall.

some of buttons are showing incorrect lables.

Like "notification" tab shows as "notifications+console_item_label"

Topic shows as "forum+Topic"

privacy shows as "privacy+privacy_index".

please refer screenshot.

Please help me out.

  menu 2.PNG (17Kb)
  menu 1.PNG (5Kb)
dave Leader
dave Jun 26 '16
did you use a autoinstaller?

what version of oxwall?

what version of php

do you have both dev mode and debug mode on at the same time?

have you cleared your cache with dev mode on?

make sure you have correct permissions on folders?  ow_userfiles ow_pluginfiles and ow_static should be 777 recursively meaning everything top to bottom in those folders should be 777

for some reason your language keys for those plugins are not loading.  you might try to uninstall and reinstall those plugins.  I know this has been discussed before but i am not able to find that post grrrr 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 26 '16
ross Team
ross Jun 26 '16
Try to go to admin panel-> Language section, you'll see a button "Save this page" at the bottom of the page, click on it for the lang cache to recompile, see if the issue persists.