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Concerning Comment Editor | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
remember you used to get your electric bill and gas bill in the mail i the form of a punch card lol 
Steve Sep 15 '16
Well I finally got a hold of jk concerning the issue with the Comments Editor and he responded back on Aug. 23 and said he would look into it. I guess he decided not to look into the problem and fix it, instead he lowered the price of it from $20 to $12...This is the type of person that should not be selling anything in the oxwall store it is bad business practices like this that make people hesitate on buying Plugins and Themes.

The real sad thing is jk is on the Development team of oxwall almost makes you wonder.   

Steve Sep 22 '16
It sure would be nice if I could take this Notice off of my site.

Just to let everyone know if you make a mistake on your post and you need to edit it...If you press enter to start a new line in the edit box you will see "br / inside <>" in between the lines that is a php code just delete it...With editing comments you won't see it.

Jk knows of the problem but his remedy to fix the problem was to lower the price from $20 to $12.

My suggestion is just fix the damn thing it has been over 3 months now since the plugin was released or someone that is more competent than jk write a new comment editor program.

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