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Oxwall/MyBB Integration... | Forum

Nathaniel Jul 3 '16
Is there a way that I could integrate Oxwall with a MyBB Forum? Basically I'd like to have oxwall "tap into" MyBB Users Systems and all of that for the forum section? I'd love to have the benefits of Oxwall while still tapping into MyBB (which as stand alone forum software they do a better job at whileas Ox wall at creating communities). All of this being said is there a way I could do that?
dave Leader
dave Jul 4 '16
Not that i am aware of, not without a special coded bridge. You would have to pull the data from MyBB and then convert it to the Oxwall Side.  Which would probably slow down the site performance. 

I think you would be better off doing one of the following: (no order or imporantance)

1.  converting your MyBB data to oxwall and then giving up the MyBB forum software. 

2.  building a html/css/php site around the MyBB forum.

3.  use oxwall and embed the MyBB forum in one of the pages using a frame and then deactivate our forum plugin. 

4. make the myBB forum the main page and oxwall as a sub domain of that.

5. run them as two different domains. 


ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.