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edit profile saving error | Forum

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Jul 5 '16

A user has reported to me an error when editing the profile in the new 1.8.3 platform, I ran a test on my test site with piattafoma 1.8.0 and it works perfectly.

I am attaching screenshoot with error 

  Image.png (297Kb)
dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
Hi, that has to be a js error as i cant find it in the core php or the language anywhere.   Do you know if it is still happening, if so can you ask them to tell us what the console says.  It might be just that some value on the form is null or not filled in that needs to be. Focus means that its looking for onfocus which is active when your mouse or input is focused on a input part of the form. 
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Jul 6 '16
I tried to disable the plugins but it is not a conflict, I do not know how to proceed to solve the problem 
dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
so it sounds like you can duplicate the problem.  is there a test user account i can have to take a look 
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Jul 7 '16
Dave course, I write in private message 
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16

Ross i set the site to simplicity theme and also  from IT to english in admin and yes she has missing keys, alot of them and her questions are all messed up on the form because of it. 

I looked at her edit profile form and the values for the inputs are not even there.  So i went to the questions section in admin and most of the question keys are gone which is what i suspect the issue is, or part of it anyway.  

The IT (italian questions are ok) but still the form is messed up so im not sure about that one.  I will leave this for you since you might know better.   I wonder if she needs to reupload the english keys from the 1.8.3 install? Is that even possible, is there a zip file available for that task?

here are a few photos to maybe help you out ross.. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 11 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 7 '16
I just seen this post. Maybe it will help, maybe not.

ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16

Morena, first of all, please do the testing on the default software. With default plugins and theme enabled 

Then go to ow_core/form_element.php 

and find this method protected function generateValidatorAndFilterJsCode( $varName )

make sure it is there. 

if it's not, that means you have not successfully upgraded your software, which is why you will have to do manual update of the of the files and database again. 

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Jul 11 '16
Ross ,I contacted Soundchum and I solved the problem there were no longer in the profile editing voices (male and female) do not know why they had been deleted and advised me to also translate the English language because there are different translations than the Italian one
ross Team
ross Jul 12 '16
ok, thanks for letting us know.