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Error 500 Internal Server Error | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
zack Jul 6 '16

Hello guys this is the second time im seeing this message below. Should I just go back to my last session before this or, is there something I should be concern about because this is the second time im seeing this.

Something went wrong!
To get the error details follow these steps:
- Open ow_includes/config.php file and set DEBUG_MODE to true
- Reproduce your last action.

Error details: Type:ErrorMessage:Argument 1 passed to contactus_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home1/zackblac/public_html/ow_plugins/contactus/init.phpLine:47

dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
I assume you have the advertising plugin?  If not maybe there needs to be an IF around that to check if the advertising plugin is enabled. I think thats where it comes from but not really sure. 
zack Jul 6 '16

hey dave,

yes I do have the advertising plugin great guess. what would be your suggestion? is this normal? should I go back to my last session before error?

dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
ill have to see if anyone else has reported this.  This is a stab in the dark but do you have the geo location plugin activated with the advertising plugin, you must use both 
dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
ok another question, did you turn off the contact us plugin for some reason ?

your not using 1.7.1 are you?  


The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 6 '16
zack Jul 6 '16
okay I will look at these options once I renew my last session before the error.
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16
Zack are all your plugins up-to-date? Seems like you have not updated either advertisement or contact us plugin. 

As far as I know contact us does not require to be updated. So it is advertisement plugin I guess. Besides, all plugins should be compatible with the version you use, what is the software version you have now?