Revert all code change before.
In order to prevent the avatar/feed title be replaced by future commenting/liking, just go to each plugin then comment out these trigger events (they change the original feed's context).
Event plugin is example:
Open ow_plugins/event/classes/event_handler.php
- Then go to line 400, comment out this block (when user commented)
OW::getEventManager()->trigger(new OW_Event('feed.activity', array(
'activityType' => 'comment',
'activityId' => $commentId,
'entityId' => $entityId,
'entityType' => $params['entityType'],
'userId' => $userId,
'pluginKey' => 'event'
), array(
'string' => $string,
'line' => null
- Go to line 740 (when user liked)
comment out this statement:
OW::getEventManager()->bind('feed.after_like_added', array($this, 'feedOnLike'));
Similar for other plugins.