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HTML mail | Forum

pri Jul 8 '16

When user signup or reset password they receive text mail not HTML mail. I have changed in language section but still they receiving in text format mail. How i can chnage it so user received all mail in HTML format. Please help.


dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
it is not up to you, it is up to the users mail client.  If they use one of the free email account then usually they only do text mail because of spam content. If they have a third party client like thunderbird they can set their preference in that. 

The only way you can choose in oxwall is via mass mail, thats the only option that i know of. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 8 '16
admin Nov 11 '16
Hi there,

HTML email go through correctly, But when i send email as text the written message wont be shown by my recievers (they recieve email with empty body)

please advice.

dave Leader
dave Nov 12 '16
who are the mail clients receiving the emails?
admin Nov 12 '16
i tried on two diffrent scenarioes and got same result:

smtp on: no message (body) 

smtp off (using php mailer from contactus plugin): agian no message (body)

i receive an empty email with the right subject and website logo.

The Forum post is edited by admin Nov 12 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 12 '16
have you tried this on the demo site, is it the same?   Also what i was asking is who are the email clients, hotmail, msn, gmail?