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OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
My avatars are upside down and i have under age girls join my website. when is this going to bee fixed?

This is problems my clients can see in more then 1 year now and it is not good for marketing a software with upside down or turned avatars and under age girls.

I have bring up this problem here before and many others have bring this big issues up many times to. 

Nobody want have upside down avatars or under age girls on they website more then 1 year

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
so all of your avatars are upside down, even when you upload them yourself?  

And what birthdays to the girls put.  If they put a wrong birthday there is not much any software can do about that.  All you can do is make sure that in your TOS that you say that their account will be termed immediatly upon discovery. 

 Make sure you have a way for your members to report such things and then delete them right away. 

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Dave dave dave....you are always say there is nothing wrong always

You are tell me there is no software that can make there is no under age "value" in the profiles and in the "sign up process" at oxwall? can you explain why that are not possible to do that in the software? i want more details here from you why that not possible. 

I have been on many dating sites in my life and i never see some can input the value "17" years old in they software but maybe for you everything at oxwall are perfect made?

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
And do i really need bring up why avatars are turned like 90 degeree again here because i think oxwall aware about that problem many times if you search history here at oxwall nothing new about that i hope or is it new for you Dave?

If it is new for you Dave about the avtar problem i will post some topic here that you can read

And one last question that is a question to you Dave 

Is your job here at oxwall to always say there is nothing wrong with the script? it must bee you job here because i follow you everywhere on this forum and everywhere you defend the script IF not ross tell there is a issue then you NOT answer or just change you opinion

very frustrating for people like me to try doing oxwall much better to have someone like you to always say there is nothing wrong with the script

Ross is not same you Dave he can tell there is problem or issues but you can not do and that is not good you make me very upset in the way you post there never anything wrong on all my topics i post.

So answer all my question now dave explain why not possible and why other dating sites have this already solved. 

I learn you something Dave nothing is impossible try learn that and this script is not perfect it have issues are you not agree? i will make this topic long to you see you are wrong totally wrong

I now know you wil have problem explain you self and wait for ross answer this topic you can not talk away me dave i maybe no good at programming but i not stupid


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
The avatar issue isn't the script. The issue has been when someone takes a pic from a mobile phone at the wrong orientation, that will be displayed sideways when it is uploaded. It happens everywhere. The only problem is that there is no rotate feature to correct this.
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Thanks Darryl B for tell there is a problem at least someone knows it is a issue

something missing in the script to rotate picture correct...is that correct Darryl B ?

here is a old post for Dave and i did find 5 more but enough with one


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
and when i was read that old post i posted

ross told that issues been fixed 1.8.3 but i have not test if it works with 1.8.3 can someone confirm it works it would bee nice to know...then it is only the age issue left

I will keep a eye on all my new members if they have turned avatars from now or i not have and post if it works with some new upgrade on 1.8.3 or if it will bee on next update 1.8.4 

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
Yes. When you change / upload an avatar there is a crop feature, but no rotate. The image will need to be at the correct orientation before uploading. As I said. I have seen this on other sites. Some have a rotate feature; some don't.
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Thanks Darryl B for information

I was read this issue was on road map for oxwall 1.8.3 release but i have not look my latest members if they have this issue with turn avatars i will keep a eye on all new members that sign up now and see if it have been solved or if someone here can confirm it solved

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
I have one member from denmark sign up my website 5 minutes ago with turned avatar.

I can confirm it is not fixed on 1.8.3 and for that members privacy i will not post a screen shot here that show his avatar.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
marcus marcus please learn to use the edit button instead of making so many posts... ;)   and yes i have done that a time or two marcus only because it was important for people to see the new information. 

No my job here is not to say there is nothing wrong.  But to me it is only logical that a computer accepts what is typed into it, and if someone types a birthday that makes them 12 or 75 the computer does not know if that is a lie or not.  Maybe someday we might have AI computers that will smack someone in the head for lieing on a internet form but for now we dont have that. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 17 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
i think my post are not so much problems ,like your ignoring is to issues and direclty questions to you...;)

Dave we are using a community software here... and in a community often people want maybe bee a little younger what they really is or is it true they are only 17 years old... and i have try set in my admin panel that i want only people 18 years old but still they can join with age 17 years old.
And then when they see it is no problem tell they are 17 years old in the "sign up process" they will do that. and no admin with 100 000 memebrs want to correct the age and delete 100 profiles everyday because the software not have anything that stop people write in value 17 years old.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
I am not ignoring any of your questions marcus, but when you constantly bring up old issues that i have no knowledge of or solution for, i cannot reply because i do not know. 

I guess the solution is to have someone do a plugin that you can set the minimum age. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 17 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
you funny dave ...how many times i see you post here old topics and tell people search for old topics and tell them how easy it is to find answers in the forum ...now you are saying that is no good and only crazy people search around the forum?..hmmmm not really understand you here maybe you can explain?

do you not like bring up old issues dave? can you explain why you not like i do that? what is no good with that? if they not solved someone need post them again? or maybe we need forget old problems that many people bring up many times is this what you are saying to us?

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
It was a joke marcus... :)
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
joke? where?
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
nevermind marcus... im sure that they will get to the issue with the avatars in time.  
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
You not care how long it takes solve issues because you are not having a website that is for earn money ....you having a test website then it is not problem waiting and thats why you have all the time in the world wait for issues solved here...you test website still works good even if not all issues solved so why should you care about how long time other people here that try earn money have to wait.

and what i can see this 2 issues are been bring up many times and i will continue do it because i feel it is importen issues to solve. it is issues that everyone can see that have 2 eyes and not blind. and it is issues that can make you business get problem...

Notice how he was quickly leave the avatar problem and focused on the age problem when he was see ross and darryl reply on that issue already.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
The age verification issue is something that exists on any site. As you stated; all anyone has to do is lie. All any of us can do is have legal statements, and deterrents to try to prevent it. I found a script one time that popped up as a splash screen where they had to enter their name, email, and birth date. If the birth date was under the limit it would pop up a message stating that, and offer a link to go to. I can't remember where I found it, but even then, it was only a deterrent. All they had to do was put in another birth date. The only way to ensure the age of the members would be face to face registration where they presented ID to confirm who they were.
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl i think you did not get the problem same dave did not get the problem to.

it is about a "value" not abut a human who can lie because it was not that i wanted to bee solved here.

I want so it not possible to add "value" 17 in the platform and if you want i will send screen shot on mnay websites that there is not possible enter age 17 no mather how much you try.

it is all about the "sign in process" it is there the problem is you can set a date that you are 17 it should not bee possible add values there with age 17 you understand darryl? 

i have to get dave little credit here because he was acctualy mention it , that it can bee solved with a plugin but i feel this is issue that belongs to the core not a plugin

and the reason dave told it can bee solved with a plugin is that he knows i need pay money for that

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
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