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504 gateway timeout when trying to upgrade | Forum

Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16

class OW_Smarty extends Smarty


    public function __construct()



Sorry about that, 35 is the one right below class OW..

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
what do you mean you fixed some stuff, why did you fix it, what did you change ?
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
I put an autoscale event on the server, the host thought it was a resource problem. They also made these changes to the php.ini file:

max_input_time = 300
memory_limit = 768M
max_execution_time = 300
post_max_size = 128M
max_input_vars = 10000
upload_max_filesize = 128M

Other than that, I just tried to update again and got that fatal error. 

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
you will need to wait for ross dear im sorry, i am not sure about this now.. sorry i wish i had more info and was more knowledgeable on this..  He will be in the office in about 9 hours ok....  I hate to have you wait but this is just above my head here. 

I am a programmer but i just dont know anything about the smarty class, and it could be caused by so many things. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Thank you so much for all your help Dave, I totally understand that you can't help me here. I will put some more pressure on my host so they can get it fixed, the problem did occur after they made changes. If nothing else I'll wait for Ross to get to the office in the morning.

Thanks again :) 

Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Hi again Dave,

I got a restore from my host since they couldn't fix it either. Trying again tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help!

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
You are very welcome Molly, hopefully we both can learn something from this adventure :)  Just for what its worth i am running php 5.6 as well and my update was without any issue.  So lets see what ross has to say.  Relax and have a great evening ;)
The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Aug 1 '16
@Molly J Bergström ,

ow_core/smarty.php . Make sure that this file exists and is not empty.

Update crashed on your site halfway. Therefore you must perform it again. Fixing errors one by one will take ages.

Back up whatever you have now ( both source code and database).

1. go to ow_base_config database table. Find rows related to "build" and "version". Decrease them. Ex: version = 1.8.3, build = 10400 .
2. download UPDATE pack from https://developers.oxwall.com/download. Unpack it within website's root directory. This is called manual platform update: https://wiki.oxwall.com/install:update#manual-update
3. run http://yoursitename.com/ow_updates/ URL.

Three steps from above will re-do update on your website once again and ideally you should not be getting any errors anymore.

The Forum post is edited by Aliya Aug 1 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Aug 1 '16
Sorry, picked up the conversation from first pages =) did not notice second page.  So ignore my reply regarding smarty.php.

Try making a manual update and let us know the results.
The Forum post is edited by Aliya Aug 1 '16
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