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Update 1.8.4 PHP 5.5 | Forum

Jimmy Aug 3 '16

Hello I have a problem with the updates to my site. blank page when doing the update 1.8.4 Unable to update from version 1.8.2 . My server is Version 5.5.3 . You could help me ? Thank you very much. Jimmy

dave Leader
dave Aug 3 '16
how did you check your php version?   Please check it using phpinfo()  do you know how to do that?
Jimmy Aug 3 '16
Hello no, I do not know of any comment to make . HERE information for my server
dave Leader
dave Aug 3 '16
is your site in the public_html or in a sub dir?
Aliya Team
Aliya Aug 4 '16
Blank white page

In a nutshell: occurred error is hidden behind blank white page due to errors and logging configuration options on server side.

To identify error message hidden behind blank white page, proceed with one of the following options:

- Enable display_errors and error_reporting on server side. Contact your host to get assistance.
- Check PHP error logs. Contact your host if you are not sure where your server error logs are located at.

Once error message is identified please let us know what it is.

The Forum post is edited by Aliya Aug 4 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Aug 4 '16
+1 to Dave's question. There is a possibility that even though you see 5.5 as your version within server stats, your version in fact is lower. All depends on where your software is located at. Your host might also have added custom handlers to your htaccess to use certain PHP version.
The Forum post is edited by Aliya Aug 4 '16
Jimmy Oct 2 '16
Hello my site is at the root of my server. I'm stuck impossible to do the updates. I'm stuck on version 1.8.2. Who could help me please. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
ross Team
ross Oct 3 '16
Go to ow_includes/config.php file

right after <php

on the new line paste this: 


before home URI -> save the file and check your php version. What is your php version? Seems like server requirements are not met. 

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