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weird symbol when signing out | Forum

Michael Leader
Michael Jan 5 '11
I get this when I sign out.

Also get a blank page when I finish a post in the forum. Any reason why.

and what is a parse error exactly!?

any/all help greatly appreciated
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 5 '11
I get that when I sign out and the blank page think seems to happen when i edit or add or delete a post.

site is www.lipstickandlenses.com
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 5 '11
and also happens when deleting anything from the activity stream.
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jan 5 '11
Den Team
Den Jan 5 '11
Can you enable DEV_MODE and try again?
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 6 '11
Umm Nope. Sorry! I put it down to maybe corruption in the database. I restored to a working version and the problem disappeared. I think it may be linked to googleanalytics and trying to get that working!

Another thing I noticed was my account lost admin permissions and the user could not stay logged on using an iphone and then the whole site just started acting weird. That prompted the restore so sorry, unfortunately I have no way of replicating it!

If it happens again I will certainly let you know.

FYI, the install and plugin updates all went fast and smooth! from a bare site to a funcitoning site in 1/2hr. So anyone experiencing issues with installs it could be corrupt download or a configuration problem.
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