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how can i add more widget icons? | Forum

jeo Jul 10 '12
can any tell me if i can add more icons to the widgets and if so how do i do this? thanks
Purusothaman Ramanujam
You could add that via theme's CSS.
jeo Oct 4 '12
what is the css for that purus mate
Joseph Oct 5 '12
css will only allow you to change existing icons if you want to add more it will take custom mods
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe that it could be done by adding new icon elements to css with images and can be used in the widget code to use the new icon.
jeo Oct 5 '12
how can i custom mods my site joseph to add more icons to the widgets, i was thinking of added a coin icon for credits and that?
Joseph Oct 5 '12
that sounds legit purus but how would we add that into widget