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Link Avatar / website link pic | Forum

Tebogo Menong
Tebogo Menong Sep 10 '16
Hi. I'm new to Oxwall. When I paste a link from another website into my Oxwall feed, the corresponding picture that goes with the link doesn't show. How do I make a website's attached picture appear on my Oxwall feed?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 10 '16
Ross won't be back till Monday. Here is a link to give you some ideas.


Have you tried the link on the demo site to see if it works there? If you can share the link you are trying to use, some can try it on their installations to see what it does, or doesn't do.
ross Team
ross Sep 12 '16
How does the link look when you pasted it? 

Have you tried to hover over the place where the image should be and tried to change the image? 

ross Team
ross Sep 12 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Tebogo Menong
Tebogo Menong Sep 29 '16
Thanks. I figured it out. I have to hover above the link and select 'choose image'.

ross Team
ross Oct 3 '16
Great, thanks for letting us know.