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In Browse user page no username appears | Forum

Tassos H
Tassos H Sep 13 '16
If we select to display the Real Name of the user but leave it optional, in "Browse users" page the user entry shows only the avatar ant tha date. I think we'd rather display the username instead.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 13 '16
Go to admin / settings / user settings, and change the "show profile name as" in the drop down box to "username". Click "Save" at the bottom of the page when you are done.
ross Team
ross Sep 14 '16
Darryl +1
Tassos H
Tassos H Sep 14 '16
Actually I want to display the real name, but to leave it as optional.
In that case the user entry shows nothing.  Check the attached screenshot

It's not an important issue, I can fix it, I can find a work around but I want to help you to improve your script in future releases.
  oxwall.png (24Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 14 '16
Yes, it does not show real name, because it is optional and user have not filled it out. , it is a conflict in your set of configuration. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 14 '16