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RSS invalid URL with a valid URL? | Forum

Enock Jul 12 '12

I've a phpbb forum and i put a box with RSS of my forum in Oxwall mainpage.

When i put the URL in settings and click save, showme "Enter a valid URL"

Where is the problem?


The Forum post is edited by Enock Jul 12 '12
Johnny Jarrell
Johnny Jarrell Jul 12 '12
A rss file has an extension of .rss or .xml....not php. You need to generate a rss compatible file first.
Enock Jul 12 '12
The, why this url works fine?<br />
http://www.phpbb-es.com/foro/rss.php<br />
<br />
This is made with the same mod.
The Forum post is edited by Enock Jul 12 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
RSS does not necessarily needs to be .rss or xml. It can be of php too but the header of the php output should be defined as xml.
Enock Jul 13 '12
I think it is defined in the current.

a piece of code here:

// Start RSS 

outputheader('Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8');

$rss_result = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

<rss version=\"2.0\"  xmlns:atom=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\"><channel>

<atom:link href=\"".$board_url."/rss.$phpEx\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />   





<copyright>".$user->lang['RSS_COPYRIGHT']."  ".$config['sitename']."</copyright>       

<managingEditor>".$config['board_email']." (".$config['sitename'].")</managingEditor>     




The Forum post is edited by Enock Jul 13 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Check whether you have entered any special chars in the url.
cit27 Jul 14 '12
I also have the same problem as this
Rss widget seems to display only the specific model of rss ???

MY Oxwal RSS Widget Problems:
It can display one of my site`s rss.php but can not show the others of my site`s rss.php
It can display one of my site`s rss.xml but can not show the others of my site`s rss.xml
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Guys, can you share those rss urls that you are trying to use? Let me check once.
Enock Jul 14 '12
these are the urls that do not work:


or you need the files?

Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 18 '12
Will check into the problem and get back to you. Thanks for links.
Enock Jul 23 '12
Thank you, I look forward
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 24 '12
Those are Atom feeds, Oxwall doesn't support Atom.
Enock Jul 25 '12

Quote from aka_le_Mulder Those are Atom feeds, Oxwall doesn't support Atom.


And, why this URL work fine?
This rss and http://www.onlinewii.es/foro/rss.php is made with the same MOD
Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 2 '12
We are planning to add Atom support in upcoming builds.
Joseph Aug 2 '12
Enock for now you can use feedburner it will accept your feed and make a compatible link to enter
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