There is no default avatar picture and when attempting to upload an avatar or a picture it does not appear. a look
There is no default avatar picture and when attempting to upload an avatar or a picture it does not appear. a look
I can not get it to work can somone please help me out?????????
Even default images are showing up as broken image
Got the fix myself I figured it out here it is if anyone is looking
Problem in .htaccess file. I solved this problem so ow_userfiles/.htaccess rewrite code in file. Instead Options All -Indexes, write it Options -Indexes
What is your software version?
What is your photo plugin version?
What are the permissions on the ow_userfiles folder, ow_pluginsfiles, ow_static, ow_smarty/templace_c
What theme are you using while uploading photos?
Have you made any modifications to .htaccess, any other files?
I used the solution here and the pictures I loaded were then displayed but the header image disappeared and reverted to the standard header background.
I commented out 'deny from all' in the htaccess file in the 'ow_themes' directory and both my images and the special header image were displayed, until the following morning when the profile images disappeared again.
Changing these values seems to refresh the display but it doesn't stick permanently.
Also after changing these values applications can no longer be made from a mobile (although this may be a red herring).
So, can anyone suggest why these combinations don't work or what might be the correct combination or a better solution?
Many thanks
I've opened the site for registration, it would normally be by invite only and no viewing by guests.
we get 500 internal server error, this is a server related issue, contact your hosting provider to resolve it.
Haven't had a response from x10 but I'm still wondering why when I change the htaccess for photos to options -indexes both the photo and the header image image appear, then after a while refresh the page and the header image disappears, then change it back to options all -indexes the photo disappears again while the header image remains. Is the server error likely to be caused by changes in the htaccess entry?
Keep us updated on the hosting's reply.
Got the fix myself I figured it out here it is if anyone is looking
Problem in .htaccess file. I solved this problem so ow_userfiles/.htaccess rewrite code in file. Instead Options All -Indexes, write it Options -Indexes
This worked perfectly. I have spent days trying to figure out why it would not allow me to change anything. Thank You.