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ow_static and ow_smarty problem | Forum

Simone Oct 5 '16

I have transfered my oxwall site to another hosting.

When an user login or logout from the site he see a blank page and must refresh page.

If I put

define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', true);

site works well without blank page.

I've tryed to delete contents of ow_static folder, set permission to 777 and reload cache but no files were written in this folder and site view is pretty bad.

Any idead about this error?

Thank you

ross Team
ross Oct 6 '16
What do you mean you reloaded cache? 

Enable dev mode and refresh your website, cache will be regenerated again. 

Also make sure permissions are set recursively, via FTP

Simone Oct 6 '16
Sorry ross i mean refresh page.

I've tryed it but no cache have reload and site view is very bad, like without css.

ross Team
ross Oct 10 '16
Enable dev mode and see if the issue persists.