What pages do i edit for the template. I was looking at the layout folder and there is only 2files to edit and i need a bit more then that.
I am looking to change the <-Left Bar titles to an other clans then the right -> how do i edit each little block ?
Also how do i delete the template cache ? i make a change via code CS5 and upload and anyother changes does not show up because of the page cache. :(
Found out how to delete the Cache (phpmyadmin)
Found out why the edit of the template was not working. 'The Dark template that comes with it is only a .css change does not use its own pages just looks like it.' I will post a screenshot of my template when im done :D
How can i make a template that uses its own pages other then the ones that comes with the download ?.. If i delete the main template from the DB it crys and i have to reinstall :(.