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Newsfeed confusion | Forum

Hernán Pereira
Hernán Pereira Jul 20 '12

I have this problem:

In principle, all is well. When someone writes something, the Newsfeed displays the message 'NN posted' ("NN publicó", en español). Like this:

But then, when I refresh the page, speakers change of place and each one says what actually said the other.   See this:

Could you understand? Can you help me, please?

Thank you!

The Forum post is edited by Hernán Pereira Jul 20 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 23 '12
Hi. Can you provide some more details? I need to know when it started happening, what version of Oxwall you use and can the issue be easily reproduced?
Hernán Pereira
Hernán Pereira Jul 23 '12
Hi. It's the version 1.4.0. The problem started with the update to this version. I reproduced the issue so you can see it better:

First: Someone posts something. The entry takes the name of that person...

Second: I comment on the post...

Third: The post and the comment are shown like this...

Fourth: When I refresh the page or when I start another session, the post come diferent. The entry takes the name of whom commented instead of who posted.

I hope you have understood.

Thank you very much and sorry for my poor English.

Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 24 '12
Hernan, just realized that what you see is actually a translation issue. If you went to our demo website, you'd see that the line which says 'publico' on your site actually says:

user 1 commented on user 2's status

Go and check that on demo website. Make sure your translation is proper.

Hernán Pereira
Hernán Pereira Jul 24 '12

Oh ... now I understand. Thank you for the clarification.

Anyway, don't you think that it is a pity that the entry lose the identity of the person who created the post? Personally, I think the post should always be headed by the name and avatar of who created it ... 

Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 31 '12
I may be mistaken but this is the most common way of Newsfeed functioning. G+ and Facebook works the same way, aren't they?
Hernán Pereira
Hernán Pereira Jul 31 '12
I don't know how Google+ works. Facebook uses this when someone likes links and photos published or shared by others. But not in posts. These are always led by the creator.

Anyway, you're doing an excellent job with Oxwall. What I can tell you is only an opinion.
aron Aug 1 '12
This is already done: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/263
Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 3 '12
Hernan, consider about posting a suggestion to oxwall.uservoice.com and we will implement it if your suggestion get enough votes and we find it reasonable to implement.
Hernán Pereira
Hernán Pereira Aug 3 '12
Ok. Thank you so much.
