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Members always viewed as online | Forum

Tomas Cordero
Tomas Cordero Jul 27 '12
Hey i love your software but im having a problem with it. It seems that every member is viewed as online. But when i make a test account it isnt viewed as online. Even when my webhost tried to make an account it worked fine for him. Here is what im seeing ill include a picture. And all the members online are actually offline. Please can you email me back at tcorderoiv@gmail.com?
  online.jpg (385.42Kb)
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Make sure your cron is running. Its good to have the cron for every minute or atleast for every 15 minutes to get live user online status.
Edy Jul 27 '12
How do i set  my  cronjob  right? i set mine  on my hosting panel but  doesn't seem to do the magic at all
Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 1 '12
Did you check this manual: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron ?
Edy Aug 1 '12
i have  but  didn't work... also contact my hosting  provider    ..

they told me
"It seems that your con script taking long time to get executed on the server. Please note that you script should be executed within 30 seconds."
Please check script from any web developer, they can assist you better in that regards.
Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 3 '12
Do you have many plugins installed? Some of them may be working with Cron and that could slow down the Cron execution time. Default Cron command takes about a minute to be executed with average amount of members on site.
Edy Aug 3 '12
i have few plugins  ..
Sreeja Aug 7 '12
i face the same problem . 
Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 11 '12
same problem !

How can we know if the cron is running correctly ?

Michael I.
Michael I. Aug 17 '12
Sreeja and Vincent - did you check the manual as well? Instructions on how to check the Cron Jobs are also in that manual. And the the problem OP had is actually related to his hosting server's settings.
Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 18 '12
I checked !

with wget it works.

but without wget ...... nothing !

Vincent MAMET
Vincent MAMET Aug 19 '12
Ok Got it to work.

just added php before /home/......../run.php

==> php /home/......../run.php

It seems to work well now !

Steven owner of Pro PC World
this is my corn set for every min

/usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php



but all members on my site still always show online please help...

MatthewMorgan Aug 1 '23

In the digital age, the concept of "members always viewed as online" has become increasingly prevalent across various platforms and social networks. Whether it's messaging apps, social media sites, or online communities, the notion of constant connectivity has reshaped how individuals perceive and interact with each other. In this virtual landscape, users tend to be perceived as ever-present, leading to the expectation of immediate responses and engagement. Just like silk magic tricks that captivate and astound, this perception of continuous online presence can weave an illusion of constant availability, blurring the lines between the real and virtual worlds.

MatthewMorgan Aug 4 '23

In the world of online gaming and entertainment, the concept of being "MEMBERS ALWAYS VIEWED AS ONLINE" takes on a special significance. This phrase not only underscores the seamless connectivity that modern technology enables but also emphasizes the dynamic and engaging experiences that await users. Whether it's placing bets on a favorite sports team, exploring a virtual casino, or diving into a realm of interactive games, the idea of constant presence resonates strongly. In this context, the phrase เข้าสู่ระบบ UFABET becomes a gateway to excitement, drawing individuals into the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of online activities where every member is continually part of the action.