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Profile Questions Multiple related responses | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sorin Dec 8 '16

Is there a way to create multiple correlated answers  for a profile question ?

For Example:

Question "What do you like"

Answer1 "food" Answer2 "cooking"

Answer 2 should be dependent of answer 1.

If a user chooses food, he should be able to choose for answer 2 only "food" related answers ?

dave Leader
dave Dec 8 '16
Hi, welcome to Oxwall..  

No way that i know of without custom programming or a plugin.  The questions are not validated as such and so youll have to hire someone or do the coding yourself. 

Now what i would suggest is to isolate the questions a bit more. 

How about something like 

What kind of food do you like:   then give them choices below to check. 

Do you like to cook:   yes no options

Whats your favorite dish to cook for a guest:   give them a text field to fill in. 

Will that work ?

Just remember you want to get them in and out of the registration process as quick as possible.  If they feel there are too many questions they will likely close the webpage and move on.   Get what you need to have in the questions, leave the rest optional and get them to complete the process.  Thats your goal, for them to finish the process and become a member. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 8 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Dec 8 '16
requires custom code modification. I see this as an integration of a third party script. Ex: https://fk.github.io/select2-bootstrap-css/ . In this example "tree" type of format is used. Meaning that drop downs do not appear as you select them. Instead everything is under one field but divided into sections and subsection.

Try contacting plugin developers at store to get a quote.

The Forum post is edited by Aliya Dec 8 '16
Sorin Dec 9 '16

OK, thanks for the replies, now I have another question... is there a way to group similar answers ?

Example If a person likes "food" and "fishing" but hates "sailing" to display in their profile the "likes Food, Fishing" and Hates "Sailing, etc"

dave Leader
dave Dec 9 '16
Sorry no im afaid not, the custom field answers are just not validated or filtered in that way.  They are just basic inputs (with style options) but not a whole lot going on after that. 

Sorin Dec 9 '16
Thankx Dave!
offpage12 Sep 9 '23

The prices of beverages at Jollibee Singapore vary depending on the size and the type of drink. For example, a small cup of Coca-Cola costs S$1.50, while a large cup of Coca-Cola costs S$2.00. A small cup of Mango Float costs S$3.50, while a large cup of Mango Float costs S$4.50.