Be sure it comes with a payment processor. Many plugins out there require you purchase a separate payment process plugin which is not good.
Also be sure to check reviews. If they only have one review, many times that is the dishonest developer pretending to be a customer and rating their own plugin, it happens sadly.
Also i might advise you really think hard before getting anything from aron. His customer service is horrible and many of his plugins dont work. Dont believe me, just ask around. I would not say anything about another developer normally but he has a very long reputation for not doing things right and not coding properly.
You might check out ostore as well
Yes its mine but it works and there will be an update out i hope before the end of the year and it does both single (admin) and multi vendors (users) and it has a built in payment process already in place. You can also upload non tangible (downloadable) items for sale.
If it meets your needs great, if not then thats ok too, i want you to get what you need that will work for you. :)