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How can I embed a HTML controller plugin on a floatbox? | Forum

Stephan Van der Vaar
Hi everyones!

I need your help.

I want to embed a HTML controller plugin on a floatbox but i don't know how to know it.

Can you helpme please?

dave Leader
dave Dec 11 '16
Hi, check out the free skeleton plugin, it will show you how Oxwall does the floatbox.  Its designed to help people understand plugins. 


Stephan Van der Vaar
Hi, i have done it, but this don't show nothing about
Stephan Van der Vaar
I already have the floatbox, but i need add content from a HTML controllers plugins
Stephan Van der Vaar
I try to call the html document as follows: $file_up = OW::getRouter() -> urlForRoute('groupfiles_add', array('groupId' => $groupId)); but don't display nothing
dave Leader
dave Dec 12 '16
OH OK sorry i thought you just needed the floatbox to get the content, my apology. 

Welcome to Oxwall, we need more good developers here so welcome :)

You actually need to get the content in the php file associated with that and then assign that content to smarty, then you can use the content in the HTML..

For example:

in php file

$apple = "apple";

$this->assign('apple', $apple);

in html file

<div> {$apple} </div>

now if you want to pass that value to js for example you just do this in your html


<script type="text/javascript">

var apple = {/literal} '{$apple}' {literal};   //yes its backwards and needs to be



  hope that helps you :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 12 '16
Stephan Van der Vaar
Excellent, I think I can develop some solutions, thanks you! If I need help again I will write you.
Stephan Van der Vaar
So, for example, the html content that I need to display on the floatbox is in the following path: ow_plugins/my_app/views/controllers/view_to_show.html.

I want to know how I must to do for getting this HTML content and embed to the floatbox.
dave Leader
dave Dec 12 '16
try this 


hope that helps, i have never done a floatbox so im sorry im not that much help.  

But i do know that the skeleton plugin covers the floatbox code if you look how its done. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 12 '16
Aliya Team
Aliya Dec 22 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.