Is this for ANY base plugin or just for a third party plugin?
Can you share a screen shot of the openssl portion of your PHPINFO display.
Does your server meet all the specs on the RIGHT SIDE of this page?
Do you have any other issues with the site that may relate to this?
Have you disabled all third party plugins and the issue is still there?
Do you have dev and debug mode on at the same time?
What is your PHP version according to PHPINFO() ?
As a last resort: Have you tried to do a clean install in another directory to see if the issue is there as well? We want to try to isolate if the issue is on the server side or the software side. If you do a new install somewhere else on the server and it works then the issue is on the software side (plugin conflict or other issue). If it does not work then it is server side config somewhere.
This should give ross or aliya enough info to further assist you in the issue.
Maybe after you get this issue fixed you can try it to check it out. You will get a better report if you have shell_exec enabled.
I will keep thinking on this, but ross or aliya will be in tonight at about 11pm or so mytime (im in the USA) about 13 hours from now, lets see what they say on this.
its in ow_system_plugins/admin/controllers/plugins.php line 653
the code is
// get remote info about the plugin
$itemData = $this->storageService->getItemInfoForUpdate($params[BOL_StorageService::URI_VAR_KEY], $params[BOL_StorageService::URI_VAR_DEV_KEY]);
if ( empty($itemData) )
$feedback->error($language->text("admin", "manage_plugins_server_invalid_responce_error_message"));
So it appears its not getting the plugin key or the developer key for some reason.
check the ow_base_plugin table and be sure you dont see any obvious issues with that table. It might not hurt to run the db repair feature in your cpanel on that database.
so your serving up your php via fast cgi. Did you set up the fast cgi or did someone else?
Im starting to think its something with the DB here, do you happen to have the mysql (i) extension enabled on your server?
No errors in your error log, clear your log and then try and see what error shows.
I dont see anything wrong with the table either. I will check that function. Also yes i do a connection with my plugins. I check for mysqli then mysql connections.
Actually that function is on line 199 of the storage_service.php file which grabs data from another function on the plugin info update event..
which i believe we will find that your not getting a good connection with the DB, because the data var is empty and passes it back to the other file as empty, but im not 100% sure about the DB issue but it seems logical right now.