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Greetings From New Zealand! | Forum

Henk Aug 6 '12
For years now, my group has been using various forum scripts, but the nature of our group means that every now and then, we suffer a site meltdown, people start bitching and everyone runs away to sulk.

The group I run supports parents trying to get their children back from the State's social workers. As you can understand, fragile people often turn to anger, our group suffers a great deal...

So, I'm trying something different, I'm using your community script to see if a community can overcome the problems caused by a forum script... namely, impersonal posts....

I'm hoping that if we can build a REAL online community which supports and helps each other, then we might just learn not to suffer another meltdown... that is the theory anyhow.

So, being the site owner, I chose OXWALL!

Why? Well, out of the lot of similar scripts, this one appeared to be the best.

Just letting you know I'm here, working hard with your script, and I might need some advice later on, but ...

Thanks for an awesome script.

Henk Van Helmond
New Zealand

(BTW, I have only just installed the script, its not yet visible to anyone but me while I set it all up!)

cit27 Aug 7 '12
good luck
from Indonesia
Chad Aug 25 '12
are you a group of developers?
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