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Sorry, this document doesn't exist (Profile Question) | Forum

Abdurozzaq Nurul Hadi
Please help me, why when I want to change the "Year Range" in Profile Question (birthday) :

t says: "Sorry, this document does not exist"

And how to fix it please help me? Thank you
dave Leader
dave Dec 15 '16
Do you have the birthdays plugin installed?
Abdurozzaq Nurul Hadi
Yes, I have installed the birthdays plugin.
The Forum post is edited by Abdurozzaq Nurul Hadi Dec 15 '16
dave Leader
dave Dec 15 '16
Try the same on the Oxwall demo site to see if it does the same thing please. 


Abdurozzaq Nurul Hadi
This problem is the same as here: https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/49444
But it did not work for me.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '16
From that post it appears that you are using Cloudflare. I have seen in other posts that, if you have Rocket Loader enabled, it will cause some issues as well.
Abdurozzaq Nurul Hadi
Successfully !! Thanks, I disable Javascript Minify setting and disable Rocket Loader and works well. Thanks again
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '16
Glad you got it. I don't use Cloudflare, but have seen several posts where those two things can cause issues.
dave Leader
dave Dec 15 '16
Nice work Darryl most excellent :)
Aliya Team
Aliya Dec 22 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.