Hello all,
So far with all the upgrades and so on my Oxwall install is just fab BUT....
I have an umbrealla site and want to integrate my other ''mini sites' into my main Oxwall install, I have managed to make custom pages as these work just fine, what I really want though is to make a single framed page to link my forum site into the Oxwall package.
For some reason when I create the page in admin and use the following code in the 'page content' section absolutelty nothing shows....
<FRAME SRC="http://www.catford.co.uk/index.html">
I want to link my http://forum.catford.co.uk in the same way, and also my Catford classifieds site.. but so far, nada...
Can anyone help me create a single framed page with content - I think it must be something simple but alas I have not found the answer yet..
Please help, anyone :)