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How to Speed Up a Site | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
KreativMind Jan 2 '17
Anyone have any plugins they are using for cache or speeding up their site? I currently installed on new domain with no users. The load time when first trying to access the site is long. Had this issue with two hosting companies...Godaddy and currently TMD Rain Cloud hosting.

Any ideas?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 2 '17
Check this post for starter. Note that there is also a link to another post in it. It is discussing .htaccess. I haven't done any of it myself, but it looks like it has helped some.

KreativMind Jan 2 '17
Thanks Darryl. Will check it out and update with any results.
KreativMind Jan 3 '17
I added the said entries in my htaccess file as stated in the first post of the link you sent me.

Pingdom Tests
First time, the test timed out at 60 secs with no connection to the site. Gave me a false reading of Grade 100. 2nd time ran test with same results.
Third time after checking some of my other sites, I ran it again but this time with successful connection.
Performance Grade 89, Load Time 39.96s, Faster than 4% of sites, Page Size 854.2kb

Suggestion d64 Serve static content from a cookieless domain c72 Remove query strings from static resources c79 Minimize redirects a94 Leverage browser caching a100 Avoid bad requests a100 Minimize request size a100 Specify a cache validator a100 Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header


Analysis Error

An error occurred fetching the page: read timeout

There may be a connectivity issue between your server and the GTmetrix test server. Please login to try testing from another test location or try again later.

Ran GTmetrix again and got the following results...

Performance Scores PageSpeed Score A(92%) YSlow Score B(81%)

Page Details

Page Load Time 38.3s

Total Page Size 851KB

Requests 23

The Forum post is edited by KreativMind Jan 3 '17
dave Leader
dave Jan 4 '17
Is this on a shared hosting plan?
KreativMind Jan 5 '17
Cloud hosting with the following specs...not supposed to be shared
  • CPU4 cores
  • BandwidthUnlimited
  • SSD SpaceUnlimited
  • cPanel
  • Optimum Cache
  • Standard SSL
  • Memcache instance128MB

The Forum post is edited by KreativMind Jan 5 '17
Daniel Jan 5 '17
I guess you enabled the developer mode.
Daniel Jan 5 '17
no anyway with no users runs like that slow. one of my testing environment runs on a old fashioned android mobile phone, it is much faster than your website.  
dave Leader
dave Jan 6 '17
My first guess would have been Dev mode as well, but i assumed that was covered.  Lets make sure thats not the case here just to be 100% sure.  Are dev mode and debug mode both set to false in your config file at the bottom?

Im not sure how the script would work on cloud hosting thats a new one for me.  However everything on your specs seems to be normal with the exception of memcache and optimum cache.

From my understanding in order to use memcache with Oxwall, it would require some special configuration.  Also i am not sure how Oxwall would interact with optimum cache, there could be a conflict with either one of those. 

KreativMind Jan 6 '17
Wow. I am an idiot. I set debug to false but didn't set dev_mode to false. Thanks for the info. Definitely fast now. Check out the results now.

dave Leader
dave Jan 7 '17
Happens to us all no problem, its a learning curve to learn any software.  Glad you got it sorted. :)
KreativMind Jan 7 '17
Thanks again Dave. I've used oxwall for some time now and my other site was running in the 90% regarding speed. I just couldn't figure out why I was having so much difficulty with this 2nd site. I even checked my other config for and it was indeed set to false on my other site. Not sure why I overlooked it on this one. Sometimes I have a habit of looking at the hardest things first versus the simplest.
dave Leader
dave Jan 7 '17
Me too, trust me i have been red faced many times doing troubleshooting. :)
Stan Jensen
Stan Jensen Jul 4 '17


Please help me out here.  where is that test from?  URL?

The switch that made it go faster,  where is that?  Perhaps mine needs to be turned off.

We build a community, and the software does not seem to handle more than a few users at a time.


Stan Jensen
Stan Jensen Jul 4 '17
thanks, I so appreciate this help.

This is so slow for me. I aim for 100,000 members, and at this rate I would need 100 gigs of ram and 48 processors from 'the cloud'.

alvin Jul 9 '17

just sharing my result.. 

The Forum post is edited by alvin Jul 9 '17