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Error when clicking author link at blog title | Forum

Carsten Jan 16 '17

I get this error when clicking the link to the author of the blog post. It's the link at the end of the blog title:

"Fatal error: Class 'BOL_SeoService' not found in /home/...url.../ow_plugins/blogs/controllers/user_blog.php on line 160"

I remember install also complaining about: 'BOL_SeoService'.

All the best
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jan 16 '17
BOL_SeoService is included in Oxwall 1.8.4, the last version of the Blog's plugin require the last version of Oxwall installed.

So you need to update your core or install a blogs version compatible with your core version. 

Here you can find the different blog plugin versions: https://github.com/oxwall/blogs/releases

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 16 '17
Interesting observation SD. If he decides to update the core, it is probably best to uninstall the blogs plugin, and install the one compatible with the version since one of the steps in the update is to update the platform first; then the plugins. Not sure what will happen if he updates the platform with the new plugin already installed.
Carsten Jan 17 '17
Thank you for the answers SD and Darryl :)

Is there anything else that has bin changed core wise. What i mean, can i expect break downs other places on my site when i update to 1.8.4 from 1.8.3 ?
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jan 17 '17

+1 Darryl B

1.- Oxwall 1.8.4 need PHP 5.5, you need to have this php version or php 5.6 before make the update. And make sure that your new php version meets the requirements. You can see the PHP requirements on the right place of this page http://www.oxwall.org/hosting 

If your website is already running on php 5.5 or 5.6, then you don't need to change the version.

2.- Sometimes the default PHP configurations are not enough, you need to increase your PHP limits (memory limit and time limit) before run an core update to make sure it completes properly.

3.- Make sure all your plugins works on the latest version, if you go to the store and read the 3rd party plugin's topics (paid plugins and free), in some of them you can see people complaining about compatibility issues with the latest version, look for your installed plugins and if they say that it is not working on the latest version and it is not fixed yet, then maybe it is true. So be careful on that. If you need plugins that are not working on the latest oxwall version, you better not make the update, because that plugins will be unusable and you will have to uninstall them.

Senior Developer

Carsten Jan 17 '17
Thank you SD :)

PHP is s it should be. It's only the one site that only runs 1.8.3.

If i have a problem with plugins not being ready for 1.8.4, can i edit out that 'BOL_SeoService' ?

I guess i could have a look at the older version of Blogs, see if that would be okay to use. I don't know what update else there has bin made to it.
Carsten Jan 17 '17
Ohh, found out that there's not an archive for the older versions of the plugin.

That is not a good thing, a roll back cannot be done if a plugin breaks a site.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jan 17 '17

Quote from Senior Developer

Here you can find the different blog plugin versions: https://github.com/oxwall/blogs/releases

Carsten Jan 17 '17
Ohh, they are there.

Thank you very much :)

According to the changelog of Oxwall 1.8.4: https://developers.oxwall.com/1.8.4/CHANGELOG.txt

It seams that the only update to Blogs will be the SEO thing and maybe Sitemap, so would it not be possible to edit out the lines of code regarding the SEO that gives the error ?
Carsten Jan 17 '17
It seams to do the trick, deleting the line in the user_blog.php in the controllers folder, where the function is called upon.

I know i in some way have broken the plugin, but it looks like it only has to do with the Sitemap, and i'm not sure whether SEO really means SEO here or it just means something ells ?