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Chat configuration Help.. | Forum

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Petre Marian
Petre Marian Jan 27 '17

Can somebody tell me if this is possible with current chat box messages?

I have 3 roles free premium admin

This is the part what I don't know how to do it:

I wan All users which is loged in to automaticaly appear as on-line in the chat box regardless if they are friends or not.

I try to use this plugin Frindship for all 


is working But is slow down the site until it cannot be used if a user have more than 100 friends. I also stop use friendship plugin because it is slow down the site and generate huge server load if users have more than 100 friend's...

This part I know how to do it (from users role)

Free users can only read the messages

Premium can send receive continue messages.

So i repeat just to be clear (I'm from romania and i learn english only from TV :) )

All on line users have to appear on-line in the chat box.

Free users will appear on-line in the chat box and be visible for all users but they can only receive messages.

Premium users appear on-line and be visible for all users  and send/receive/continued messages.

It is possible?

Thank you.

The Forum post is edited by Petre Marian Jan 27 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 27 '17
This would require a custom code modification. You would need to hire a developer to do this for you. The result would most likely be the same as when you tried using the "Friendship for all" plugin since the system uses friends to narrow the number of users that load in the chat.
Petre Marian
Petre Marian Jan 28 '17
Ok I understand... 

I try to find a solution

With cometchat ... they told me that will cost 300 USD :))

I asked on arrowchat support and they told me this:

Yes, ArrowChat supports group permissions. You can set it up so that non-premium members cannot send messages. a

 Now my concern is that group permissions is not the same with user role... I will ask them and repost here the answear.

Until they respond perhaps someone who use arow chat (the cheapest version :)) can answer me ...

Thank You

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 28 '17
I also have the latest version Arrowchat on my live site.  There are some small things you give up by using an outside chat, but you gain some other functionality. Arrowchat integrates well into Oxwall. The only thing I wish it would be able to do is work with the "Chat Now" feature that the Oxwall chat has. That's the only thing you will be giving up, but you gain chat rooms, and better mobile chat feature, and extra control over users.
Petre Marian
Petre Marian Jan 28 '17
Thank You for answer it is abble to do what I intend to do with users role? and which version you have? 45 usd 125 usd or business? I ask them on support and still waiting for reply ...
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 28 '17
I have the Premium "$125". Note that the kickstarter doesn't have mobile support.

There are settings by role. Here are the options. Each role has these

   1.    Disable ArrowChat

    Disables ArrowChat for this group.

   2.     Disable Video Chat

    Disable video chat for this group.

  3.      Disable Applications

    Disables all applications for this group.

  4.      Disable Chat Rooms

    Disables using chat rooms for this group.

   5.     Disable Uploading Files

    Disables uploading files in private chat and chat rooms for this group.

   6.     Disable Sending Private Messages

    Users in this group will be unable to send private messages and will be shown an error message that can be changed in the language file.

    7.    Disable Sending Chat Room Messages

    Users in this group will be unable to send chat room messages and will be shown an error message that can be changed in the language file.

The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Jan 28 '17
Petre Marian
Petre Marian Jan 29 '17
Thank you Darryl B

This was a far better response than the arrowchat support offer me..... :))

The Forum post is edited by Petre Marian Jan 30 '17
Petre Marian
Petre Marian Jan 30 '17
Ok I manage to buy, install and set up arrowchat is working ok but... :))

I use this plugin manage online to have more users on-line :))

This users appear online on the site but on the Chat they don't appear online

Any ideea how to put this users on the chat bar? 

The Forum post is edited by Petre Marian Jan 30 '17