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mystic.com/install loads blank white page | Forum

Justin Feb 4 '17

I have used Oxwall in the past (2012) without too many issues. I would like to use it again but I seem to be having a lot of trouble. 

I extracted the contents into a subdirectory in my root which it hosting a new domain and I can load test files from the url so I know the domain is working, but when I try to run any of the oxtail stuff I just get a blank white page.

I don't get any error messages or any indication of what the problem is. I thought that perhaps the problem was that i extracted everything in a subdirectory rather than the root of my server but the root of my server is serving a different website. Moreover, I have files in that root that would be over-written by the OW files if I unpacked the contents in the root.

Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful. The domain I am attempting to install to is http://litchurchfam.com

thanks, in advance.]


Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 5 '17
There are a few posts related to installing Oxwall in a sub directory. Here is a google search that may help.

Justin Feb 6 '17
I appreciate the link but I've read these and none of them are really helpful. They must have had a different issue than I am having. 

I suspect I have something causing a problem like my .htaccess file which is in the root directory. I am going to move my WP site into a sub-directory today and see if that helps. I assume if the root is clean I can avoid these kinds of problems. 
Then again..... it does not seem to affect my others sites. So I am not positive it will help. 
Any other suggestions would be helpful. I have tried 3rd party install sites and they did not work either. One of them gave me a php failure message but php appears to be running fine as far as I can tell.

Quote from Darryl B There are a few posts related to installing Oxwall in a sub directory. Here is a google search that may help.


Justin Feb 6 '17
Here is why I am at, after working on this issue today.

I have moved all of my WP installation to a sub-directory to clean up any issues with .htaccess files.

I can install joomla, WP, and other sites in the folder for my new site and access it without problems. I can write custom files and place them in the folder and access them.

But when I extract my OW files in there I can access nothing. 

Justin Feb 7 '17
Just another update in case someone has the same issue as I.

I have discovered that version 1.7.0 works fine. If I upgrade to 1.8 it goes down. Same with some of the plugins like the blog plugin.

I assume there is a version compatibility issue with either PHP or MYSQL but I have not found yet the specific server requirement differences between 1.7 and 1.8.

As of now it is working. I will be making daily backups in case something breaks. 

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Feb 7 '17

Hi Justin!

Oxwall 1.8.4 requires PHP 5.5 or 5.6. If you already have that, then there is a misconfiguration in your hosting. 

Please look at the right side of this page, make sure that your server meets all the requirements.


If you think that your server does meet the requirements and the issue persist, please take a look at your apache errors log in your hosting control panel (usually cPanel). In the errors log you will find the exact error on why your website is going down.

Hope it helps.

Senior Developer

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Feb 7 '17
Justin Feb 8 '17
It appears that I was using PHP 5.4. I spent some time last night and updated my PHP and MYSQL to a slightly higher standard. Hopefully I won't run into any issues now.

I have installed and tested version 1.8.4 as well as installed all kinds of plugins. So far no issues. 

BTW, version 1.8.4 is a huge upgrade from 1.7! Great work from the OW team.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 8 '17
Good to hear. Yes the minimum php requirement of 5.5 started with Oxwall version 1.8.2. They haven't tested anything beyond php 5.6.