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Where is the support for bought plugins? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Paul Feb 7 '17
It´s really frustating, to get no answere.

An old bug and no answere


No answer


Major bug, even didn´t works here on the oxwall.com


The Forum post is edited by Paul Feb 7 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 7 '17
Support for 3rd party plugins is the responsibility of the developer. If you aren't getting support after posting your issue in the plugin forum, or attempting to PM the dev, your next step should be to report them to the moderation team, and proceed with getting a refund via paypal. As for the third issue regarding the smilies on mobile; Oxwall is natively a desktop platform. There are smiley plugins in the store that other members use. This may be the reason why they are there.