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Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 20 '17
OK, so the video embedding doesn't work, and no one here wants to help. Fine videos go in the trash!

But now my ability to customize my dashboard has gone away. I can still customize my main page, but my dashboard has been re-arranged and I can no longer change it. What happened???

I was adding Plugins, and realized that this customize feature had gone away from my Dashboard page.

Did one of the plugins kill that feature?

I have disabled all the plugins I added, but still no ability to change my Dashboard back to what I had set.

Please give some kind of help here before I get completely frustrated with this software and throw it in the trash.

Honestly, this is nice looking software, but if it doesn't work right, what is the point?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me some assistance with this; my patience with your software is almost gone.

Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 20 '17
I have uninstalled all the plugins I added, but still no ability to customize my Dashboard. Do I have to completely uninstall OxWall from my server and start over again? I'm not sure your software is worth that much hassle. I've put too much work in so far, to have it all just trashed over functionality issues.

Please give some insight into what happened and how to fix it. I don't have the time to waste trying to figure out why basic functions of this software are failing.

Does this community support its software or not?

Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 20 '17
Troubleshooting by myself, I find that something keeps resetting the "allow users to customize this page" setting, on the Dashboard page. Why? I am not changing that.

Look, I apologize for my lack of patience; I just don't have the time to keep screwing around trying to make this work. I am trying to build and maintain over 30 websites by myself; I need this part to just work.

So far I have given up on the video, since the issue has been pushed off as my problem, even though the Oxwall software appears to be trying to access directories it has not created yet. Not a real big loss, since all you can do is embed you tube videos; a much more useful video component would be to allow users to upload their own small videos, but maybe that is just not possible here.

The Photos plugin did not work for me at first either, but somewhere along the line it just started working. Photos would post in the Newsfeed, but the Add Photos button just left me with a loading bar that never went away. I didn't change anything, but now it works fine. What is up with that???

I'm the kind of person that when I find things I like, I promote them. I like the general feel of Oxwall, but am somewhat disappointed in the out-of the-box functionality. Your documentation is far superior to your competition (Dolphin), but support service doesn't seem any better. The fact that I am frustrated already, and have seen no help at all yet, is not a good beginning. I don't feel much like promoting or supporting this so far, but I will keep trying, for the moment anyway.

OW-Ghost Feb 20 '17

what happens when you go to admin/pages/user-dashboard and try change your user dashboard?

can you send a screen shot what the problem is?

try run the free cron job plugin at oxwall store to cheking you cron job is working fine.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 20 '17
Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 21 '17
Sorry, didn't mean to come off as the ass that I probably did. So far the "allow users to customize" option is staying set. I know I didn't uncheck the box, so something else did. My guess is one of the plugins somehow changed that setting on me. I'll pay more attention to each plugin install when I go to put them back.

This is the error I get when trying to embed a video:

"Error while trying to add video

You don't have permission to access /video/add/index/ on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

I found someone here in the forums that had the exact same issue, but they were told it was a server problem and they needed to figure it out for themselves. I'm not convinced that it is a server issue. The line refers to a directory that does not exist, which explains the second error 404. I manually created these directories on my server, but still no luck. Just disappointed I guess, that it is hard enough to learn all of this yourself, without having forums that turn their backs on issues like that.

Anyway, I've abandoned the video portion for now, and have accepted what does work here. The message system and chat features seem to work perfectly, as does sharing pictures and the event plugin. 

What I am having the most issues with now is just a difference in thought processes. I personally find some of the administration features to be a bit counter-intuitive, having to go one place to edit something, and an entirely different place to edit others; but I'll learn.

There is an issue I am currently having with the Oxwall error log; it is streaming a continuous error every 4-5 seconds, filling up my error log with the same error:

"[20-Feb-2017 05:25:03 America/New_York] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant fasle - assumed 'fasle' in /public_html/(my Oxwall domain)/ow_includes/config.php on line 44"

This is the line that sets Dev_Mode to false. It is set to false, ans I don't understand what this error message is saying; so any help there would be appreciated, to stop this error message.

So at this point I don't have any issues that I am willing to beat my head against the wall for, aside from the streaming error message. Maybe sometime in the future I will have more time to really look into Oxwall and learn more about how it all works; but for now I'm just dealing with it as is.

IntrigU Feb 21 '17
There is a typo in false. Correct it from fasle to false and save the config.php file.
IntrigU Feb 21 '17
If you still have issues with steaming of video, post your questions on the video plugin support forum here: https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/18

Shaun Feb 21 '17
Hi Brett

Have you ttied contacting you hosting provider for assistance with the video embedding.

It does sound like the host needs to change your server permissions.

Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 21 '17
I looked at the config.php file again and it is spelled correctly (now), but it could have been that I had it spelled wrong and unknowingly corrected it while messing around. I must be staring at code too much that I didn't catch the spelling error there. Anyway the error has stopped, so that must have been the issue there.

As for the permissions thing, I guess I don't understand what permission it needs beyond what it already has. I mean it was able to create all the other directories, why is Oxwall looking for access to directories that don't exist within its installation?

It is specifically looking for the directories of video/add/index that are supposed to be located on my site, in the root directory where my oxwall installation is; but those directories did not exist.

Do you mean that Oxwall didn't have the right permissions to create them in the first place? I don't understand why those directories would have been any different than any other created under this installation of Oxwall.

I am planning on contacting them(my host provider) to ask why my cPanel does not have ModSecurity Domain Manager; apparently that is where I need to modify permissions (I got that from what I could piece together from other posts about the issue).

Anyway, thanks to all who responded; again, sorry if I came off as an ass originally. I do appreciate what a forum is about and those who participate.

IntrigU Feb 22 '17
The path you see in the URL is not a path to a directory on the server. It is mapped to a function in oxwall. Can you take a screenshot of the error you see and post it on the Video plugin support forum as suggested before: https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/18
The Forum post is edited by IntrigU Feb 22 '17
Old Grower
Old Grower Feb 27 '17
I posted the screenshot to a new topic, on the forum you requested. I am attaching the pic here as well. I am done with this though. I have unchecked the subscribe box, and will have no further interaction on this topic.

I have realized that I am wasting my time here. Nothing personal, but I see now that I need to go a level deeper and learn about CMS instead; that way I can build an Oxwall-like product from the ground up, and make it the way I want it. Again, nothing personal meant here, I just don't like working inside other peoples "boxes" and I feel very limited with what I can do with Oxwall. Just a symptom of different minds thinking differently, but I find Oxwall very confusing to administer, with some things configured from one place and others from another. It is as if this was put together piecemeal and poorly integrated. Sorry if that offends any, it was not meant as an insult, just honest critique.

The Forum post is edited by Old Grower Feb 27 '17
  Oxwwall_Video_Plugin_Error_Message.png (135Kb)