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Database Problem | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Feb 23 '17
Hi All,

For some reason my website started being slow...Then i asked some developers thinking it is their plugins but the said it could be a server issue i must ask my hosting company.


It all looks like a server issue.

1) Check with your host if they migrated their server.
2) Check if your host has changed any settings or maximum processes..

The hosting company responded by saying its a database issue :

its definitely NOT a server issue. In your case it is a database problem. The database got stuck (see screenshot)
A good web-developer is easily able to handle that.

Anybody have any idea or could advice on how to fix this ?
  db.JPG (65Kb)
Sal Feb 23 '17
That thing is cranking for sure. If you're on a VPS have them restart the sql service. Something may be locked....
OW-Ghost Feb 23 '17
I notice the same on my website yesterday, and i was notice some BOT have hit my website like crazy and trigger a script run al the time. after they installed some bot Blocking script on my htaccess it runs much better now and the cpu was not run high anymore. 

im not sure you have the same problem ....maybe you looked in you Awstats already and there is nothing hit you website like crazy many times...but for me this was the problem for cpu was run high

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 23 '17
IntrigU Feb 25 '17

Run this command. It will optimise the database. Better yet execute it periodically via cron.

mysqlcheck -Aos -u {replace with db user} -p{replace with db password) > /tune.log 2>&1