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Andika Mar 19 '17
How to add event menu in mobile version?
The Forum post is edited by Andika Mar 19 '17
OW-Ghost Mar 19 '17
event plugin not support mobile version.
Andika Mar 19 '17

is there any other way?

OW-Ghost Mar 19 '17
yes you can hire a developer and he will fix it. no problems :)
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 19 '17
Andika Mar 19 '17
do you know who can do it?
OW-Ghost Mar 20 '17
upwork.com have some developers for skadate and oxwall. some are jokers and some are good do not go for they who give you a expensive price and bee careful with this india team that will give you 3 or 5 different bidding and have many profiles thay work like in a team or with fake profiles to try suck out you money as much they can
Carsten Mar 22 '17
Why in the world do you send him to that site, when you say it's shitty ??

If you know someone who can do it, then tell him who that is instead of this. There's no help in this.
OW-Ghost Mar 22 '17
upwork.com is recommend from this oxwall team if you need hire a developer. so i think nit is not a totally shitty site just some india people are shitty and it is same on all freelancer sites. this india selling guys think they are smart and bid with multiple real and fake profiles.
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 22 '17
Carsten Mar 23 '17
Well, i think we all know by now, that what goes on here cannot be of much use. So when it comes to recommending that site, well...

And WAU, just had a look at the site. Greedy business. $500 to do a Pro search where you got a chance to hiring a descent developer.