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SIGN UP skipping first screen and straight to second | Forum

Joaquin Apr 12 '17
Hi I have reported a few minutes ago another bug on this screen, but now, there seem to be another issue.

The SIGN UP process has two steps: first one, the user will introduce some basic questions, and the second one, after saving the previous questions, the user will be presented a form with all the remaining profile questions.

My site, is now showing directly the second screen, skipping the first. When the form is completed and clicked on SAVE, I will get a message saying there are missing questions, which are those from the first form. Then, I will fill up that little form, and... YES! I am taken back to the second form that is now totally cleared, so the user will have to introduce everything again.

I don't know how to restore this and I need to fix this ASAP.

I believe, this happened when, during the first step, I clicked on Login, aborting the signing up process. And then from the login screen, I clicked on the "Sign up" link. I'm not sure this is the process I followed to make it fail, but definitately something like that.

Please can anyone help?

Thank you

The Forum post is edited by Joaquin Apr 12 '17
Joaquin Apr 13 '17
For some reason  that I don't know, it's now working. Yesterday when it failed i tried from another computer, because I thought the cache might have something to do, but it also failed on the other computer, and also on my phone.

This morning I checked again and it's now fine... It would be good to find an explanation.
