The plugin
works correctly, you could say that version you have the same, I think
that oxwall store has an error, you should have version 3 tested in
oxwall 1.8.4 and it works correctly
Here's the issue... it does not work if you put it in the 3rd column (right-hand side). If you put it there... every icon you click on will go to "page not found". Also... if you want the "My Pictures" section to work when you click on the icon... then your settings need to be configured to "Show profile name as: Username". If you select "Show profile name as: Real Name"... it will not work... it will say "page not found" no matter where you place the widget on the home page.
These things need to be addressed and fixed. I need my settings to remain "Show profile name as: Real Name" .
moderation team of oxwall store, verified the plugin before being
accepted, the small problem UserName feu repaired, I do not understand
that that error is due to your site
I cannot imagine how this could happen to only my site. I'm hosted through FastComet, which is at the top of Oxwall's list for hosting Oxwall. I've made no changes to URL paths. So... my question is... how do we resolve it?
you see that delay in responding, it is due to my coenxion to
internet.dame the address of your web and create a user with permission
of admin to test the problem.Contact me by my email
The "See Who Is Online" section is not working now. The link is wrong. You have it going to "users/online/{username}". It should be just "users/online". That needs to be fixed.