What settings works best for oxwall?
Cloudflare Caching level?
What level should i use have this 3 otion to pick from:
1. No Query String
2. Ignore Query String
3. Standard
What settings works best for oxwall?
Cloudflare Caching level?
What level should i use have this 3 otion to pick from:
1. No Query String
2. Ignore Query String
3. Standard
and for AUTO minify? should i use it or not use it? some say use ot some say not use it?
I will have it ON, but skadate was recommend me have it OFF ?
I will ask them why they did recommend me have it OFF ?
Yes rocketloader should bee OFF.
Chris_W what cache tool do you use on you server?
Skadate told me no chache tools on server is working? They told me they need remake the script totally for cache tool on server working , they say now have no effect?
But this was only what they said i not sure if it is true or not but i guess it is true