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Christian Jun 14 '17
ciao,Am looking for a widget script
However, before,
I would like to introduce myself quickly to you: My name is Christian Enrosso and I come from Italy

Is there a way to show a fake amount of users online?
Fake number Currently of users online

I just started doing Dating site again and I have traffic coming to my site but not too much. I was wondering if there was a fake visitors widget that I could add to show a fake amount of people on the website so it looks more legit.

thank you in advance for your reply,

Shaun Jun 15 '17
I think this plugin could be what you are looking for.

 User online

OW-Ghost Jun 15 '17
same as freelancer.com use in the footer and many others...

some use a online counter that changes every seconds or minut to bigger value

there is no such plugin i think....but i think it would bee easy create one for they who have developer code skills

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jun 15 '17
OW-Ghost Jun 16 '17
yes you could move that widget if not already to index page if you want 

but i think move the widget to footer are maybe complicated more.

here is a guide how you move widgets


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jun 16 '17
OW-Ghost Jun 16 '17
i think you need custom code for doing that or a plugin doing that.

try upwork.com have some oxwall developer there that can help you 

OW-Ghost Jun 17 '17
nice footer, how did you make that footer? photoshop?

I like when show 

1. Registered members

2. online members

3. new members reg

i would like to have the same footer and i like that you can add safety images in the footer.

I try find a nice footer plugin here at oxwall but i not see any good only useless footer plugin with little features and not use translations and many things.

I think a nice footer plugin like this one would bee cool

then add can make category of you links in different tables then we start talking nice footer plugin

and then add possible fake the values and add counters that changes the values

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jun 17 '17
OW-Ghost Jun 17 '17
ahaa okey..looks good. i hope somene could build a advance footer plugin that supports:

1. Registered members

2. online members

3. new members reg

4. Create Links in category's and diffrent fotter tables

5. translate other languages

6. Value counters to feature 1

7. add you own values to feature 1-3

8. possible add small safety images 

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jun 17 '17
Christian Jun 18 '17
I see here in the forum Support for assistance or advice very badly
and also from developers no answer
OW-Ghost Jun 18 '17
the forum is dead for at least 6 month , only some are try to help but they are not many and many are leaving i feel...

yes it is sad it is like this i can only agree....hope it will change

Christian Jun 18 '17
really very bad :) damage
The Forum post is edited by Christian Jun 18 '17
Christian Jun 20 '17

Quote from Chris_W I think the only way to do that would be to use this as I creates fake profiles and you can choose how many are online at any time.

Chris_W thx this plugin does not work

Christian Jun 22 '17
Now it looks like this:stat1 PIC

How to do it that the statistics are only on footer. I have a plugin Statistics PRO

                 for example:
2.552 Registered users - 532 Online - 12 New users today

I pay you if it's possible That the statistics is below on footer

Would like it so:stat2 PIC

The Forum post is edited by Christian Jun 22 '17
  stat2.jpg (43Kb)
  stat1.jpg (44Kb)