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Some theming problems on my smartphone - Goolee - Responsive theme | Forum

Phatair Jul 17 '17

i bought two of your themes and they are great but i have some problems with the responsive desgin and i hope you can help me with this.

I use the question/poll plugin (free version) and if i use my smartphone the newsfeed of the questions looks like on attached screenshot 1

if i open the question on my smartphone they look like on attaches screenshot 2.

the pictures with "pc" shows the view on my desktop pc.

It would be great if you can help me to fix this problem.

Phatair Jul 17 '17
Thank you. If you need more information I will try to give you all needed informations.
Phatair Jul 17 '17
If you create a question and then Go to the Newsfeed. Three is a information that a new question was created and you can send answers. If you send two or more answers and then click on the question name you see this window.
If you don't find it I can send you screensots tomorrow. At the moment I'm not one my pc
Phatair Jul 19 '17
Thank you so much for your fast support.
I will check it in the next days. At the moment I don't have enough time for this.
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