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"My Profile" returns a blank page | Forum

Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 7 '12


When I try to go to "My Profile", I get a blank page.

This also hapened with "Main" page, but I removed it from the top bar.

Any ideas?

My site is www.koinonia.me

PS: If you register, in order to view the error, I will remove your registartion as soon as you don't need it.



Purusothaman Ramanujam
Enable DEBUG and DEBUG mode in ow_includes/config.php file. they will be mostly at the end of the file. Change them to TRUE.

After this, try to open your profile page. Now you will get the reason for your blank page.
Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 7 '12

Thanks for your help.

However, after changing both values from false to true, the problem, of course remains and I have no idea where to view the reason for the blank page.

I just turned DEV to true as well and now the website looks like a text-only sort of site (with a few images)...

Further help, please?

Sorry, I'm a newbie...

The Forum post is edited by Ruben Couto Sep 7 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
It might be due to access issues to the required folders.

Check the ow_static and ow_userfiles folder and give them access.
Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 8 '12

Today, I get this error:

Message: call_user_func(twonnect_page_exception) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback File: /home2/conceptu/public_html/koinonia/ow_core/event_manager.php Line: 169
What should I do?

Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 9 '12
I changed to 777 all the permissions of ow_static and ow_userfiles folders and the folders and files under.
Nothing changed...
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Core team members will be of help in this..
Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 9 '12
Hello Paul Cuffe.

Considering that it might be an access issue, as Purusothaman Ramanujam suggested, I changed those two folders and all the files and folders under them to 777.
I have Cpanel. But, for these operations I use FTP access. Should I send you my ftp access? Would you be able to figure out what seems to be the problem? Or should I make a new fresh install first?
Ruben Couto
Ruben Couto Sep 9 '12

Thanks to both of you guys, for trying to help.
I made a fresh install and it's working fine.

I'm thinking there might have been some proble with the theme I was using - Standard with two columns...

If it comes up again, I'll return.

Thanks again!