yes but everything sounds very good on they own website as always when it comes to marketing you own software.
My point was to get reviews from they who use cometchat daily and again if it slows down you desktop software and you mobile apps?
i guess it slows down you desktop software and mobile apps ,but i can bee wrong about it.
i find one thing bad with cometchat and that is the price
900 USD for videochat and everything integrated to your skadate mobile apps.
that is way TO MUCH money i feel....the skadate software it self is almost cheaper then the chat software that you integrate ....loool....(to bee very excited to not bee very excited)
skadate and oxwall should let they customers buy they service for much lower price because they mass affiliate they service
that is my opinion. at least get the price down 50% same as you need pay every year for upgrade then it is 50% cheaper
900 USD plus probably VAT will bee more then a 1000 USD bill !!! comes early this year for a small or medium business owner...looool
and offcourse you want video chat to all you 3 platforms so not tell me there is cheaper plans with no video chat that is not interesting. either all features or none features that what everyone needs...not a half software solution that you pay money for.
give us the best and for resonable price and both part will win on it. or bee greede and get no customers at all...that how it works!
I been thinking about the 50% they add to all new customers. what website adds 50% for new customers they must bee the first one use such in my opinion stupid marketing and sell trick.
as a new customer you want to have some form dsicount maybe for buy they biggest package and not pick another service from they competioners ,but cometchat they pick to add 50% on new customers....and then next year the 50% go is a oposit sell strategy that many use for get new customers and typicaly a india strategy...they get greede when they grow big this india guys....i not like that sell method at all
if the prices will go down 50% i will concider buy they service if not i will better hire someone integrate another video chat and smiley plugin to my apps for 1000 usd or 1500 usd at least then i know i not need pay every year big money to a company for have upgrades i will only pay small money for upgrade my own software and invest money in my own business not invest money in a gredee company
They can defend they prices how much they want, but i feel it to way much money and i know they have customers renew they plan every year so they are not poor people only greede in my opinion.
My last word will bee:
remove the 50% that you add to new customers and you will get more customers no doubt about it.
you aim for bigger business with you prices but you totally forget how many small and medium business there is in the world they are much more then bigger ones! and we need same features as the bigger ones need for success