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has anyone used justhost shared ssl for facebook app for their site? | Forum

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Richard Carr
Richard Carr Sep 9 '12
has anyone used justhost shared ssl for facebook app for their site to get facebook contact importer to work?

having problems here, can anyone help

Richard Carr
Richard Carr Sep 10 '12
Ok folks really need your advice....I have used the Justhost shared ssl cert.. but when you invite someone from my oxwall site using facebook contact importor the notification they receive leads them to a 404 not found error within the iframe on facebook. However the strange thing is it leads me to my website within the iframe /canvas on facebook. 

The shared justhost ssl cert is: https://secure.justhost.com/~username/

Alia Team
Alia Sep 13 '12
Dear Richard, can you provide us with your site URL along with access details to the testing user-account which we can use to reproduce the issue?
TJ Nov 5 '12
Hi there I'm reading the above posts with interest as I've set up a Facebook App and my website is set up to allow users to invite Facebook friends over which works from website end but not Facebook end as I don't have SSL. I am assuming this is why it doesn't work. I have this error Error 501..

As I have no idea about SSL certificates can anyone recommend where to get one from and if they set it up for you as I'm clueless? Thanks in advance!

Alia Team
Alia Nov 7 '12
>>my website is set up to allow users to invite Facebook friends
I went to your site to check this, but wasn't able to locate this feature.

>>which works from website end but not Facebook end as I don't have SSL.
I am not sure what you mean.
If you would like to I can check your Facebook App settings if you send the screen shot.