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Parsererror With Specific Browsers and Broken Captcha | Forum

Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 14 '17

There's a problem with my site 

http://ushare.ml uShare's Registration

The CAPTCHA is not loading or its broken, everything is fine with GD table still not working

Also in chrome after submitting all the details correctly the same registration page appears again

So registration is not possible from Chrome browser

I tired all the troubleshoots in the forum like checking gd, deactivating plugins one by one! Still captcha is broken.

But the captcha is visible when going to http://ushare.ml/base/captcha

My site uShare also Shows parsererror while logging into any account using Google Chrome and Maxthon Browser

The site perfectly works on Opera, Dolphin,UC etc.

Also there's a problem while liking any post with Chrome, Maxthon etc. It shows the post as liked but the like will not be counted.

Please help me to fix the issues.

The Forum post is edited by Vithul T Aug 15 '17
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
I tried signing up but your captcha is not displaying on chrome.
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 15 '17
Yeah! I don't know what's wrong with it

Users can only sign-up using fb connect
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Aug 16 '17
Hi Vithul T!

Please go to your hosting account panel and set mod_security off, if you have php7 switch to php 5.6 or 5.5

Please double check those settings are successfully saved. Reload your website and try to login again.

I hope it helps.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Aug 16 '17
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 16 '17
Quote from Senior Developer Hi Vithul T!

Please go to your hosting account panel and set mod_security off, if you have php7 switch to php 5.6 or 5.5

Please double check those settings are successfully saved. Reload your website and try to login again.

I hope it helps.

Senior Developer.

Thanks Brother Captcha issue solved!

But still the problem with registration and login is there on Chrome and Maxthon Browsers

The login form shows parsererror when login into any account from Chrome, Maxthon Browsers.. But it works fine with other browsers.

Also during registration from Chrome browser and Maxthon browser when we hit submit button after entering all the fields properly, the same registration page comes again and hence Registration from Chrome and Maxthon is not possible.

Help me with this too..
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Aug 16 '17

1 Account successfully created using Google Chrome in Windows.

Logged out and logged in with the same account on Google Chrome successfully

Logged in successfully on Maxthon Cloud Browser

Have you tried to use Google Chrome incognito mode?

If it works in incognito mode maybe you need to refresh your web browser cache or disable your web browser's extensions, Maxton does use the same chrome engine.

Senior Developer.

Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 16 '17
Quote from Senior Developer

1 Account successfully created using Google Chrome in Windows.

Logged out and logged in with the same account on Google Chrome successfully

Logged in successfully on Maxthon Cloud Browser

Have you tried to use Google Chrome incognito mode?

If it works in incognito mode maybe you need to refresh your web browser cache or disable your web browser's extensions, Maxton does use the same chrome engine.

Senior Developer.

Thanks brother... The site is working fine now!
Thank you very much..

Can i ask you one more thing? It's not somewhat related to oxwall.
I uploaded a 9.95 mb apk file to my htdocs folder.. But when i download the same through my site http://ushare.ml/app it shows error after 9.63 mb! But i upload the file completely with different ftp clients. Still the file can't be downloaded completely.
The Forum post is edited by Vithul T Aug 16 '17
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Aug 16 '17

I'm glad it worked.

This is a hosting related issue, I recommend to upload another apk with bigger size and try to download it, if it stops in the download after 9.63mb too (or before the download is completed) you need to ask for help to your hosting's support.

If the other apk is succesfully downloaded, erase the file uShare.apk file from the hosting, rename the file to something like ushare.1.0.apk (in lower case letters), select active mode upload in your ftp client and upload the file again. If you keep having the same issue after you do all the previous steps double check your apk is not corrupted.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Aug 16 '17
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 16 '17
Quote from Senior Developer

I'm glad it worked.

This is a hosting related issue, I recommend to upload another apk with bigger size and try to download it, if it stops in the download after 9.63mb too (or before the download is completed) you need to ask for help to your hosting's support.

If the other apk is succesfully downloaded, erase the file uShare.apk file from the hosting, rename the file to something like ushare.1.0.apk (in lower case letters), select active mode upload in your ftp client and upload the file again. If you keep having the same issue after you do all the previous steps double check your apk is not corrupted.

Senior Developer.

Thank you brother.

I would like to ask you one more thing.

I've my site http://ushare.ml integrated with cloudflare, but there are mixed content issues i think. The green padlock is missing and the images are not loading in some browsers. The login page shows an error when trying to login

While my non oxwall sites works perfectly fine with cloudflare in the same hosting.

So suggest me the changes that i need to make in oxwall in order to load my site over https. So that the padlock is visible and images load properly.

Thank you

The Forum post is edited by Vithul T Aug 16 '17
dave Leader
dave Aug 17 '17
You need to turn off some of the settings in cloudflare as they may be causing issues, there are several posts on the subject in the forum.  :) 
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 17 '17
Quote from dave You need to turn off some of the settings in cloudflare as they may be causing issues, there are several posts on the subject in the forum.  :) 
What are those settings?
dave Leader
dave Aug 17 '17
1. Start by turning off everything under the speed tab. 

2. If that does not solve the issue then make sure you have the dns turned on ONLY for the main domain name in your cloudflare dns tab.  

site.com can be orange cloud, everything else should be grey cloud.

3. under ssl tab choose flexible option

4. then under caching tab, caching level standard, and then above that clear all your cache.  

Let me know if that helps... 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 17 '17
The two items on cloudflare that, from other posts, have caused issues are the rocket loader, and minify js.
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 17 '17
Quote from dave 1. Start by turning off everything under the speed tab. 

2. If that does not solve the issue then make sure you have the dns turned on ONLY for the main domain name in your cloudflare dns tab.  

site.com can be orange cloud, everything else should be grey cloud.

3. under ssl tab choose flexible option

4. then under caching tab, caching level standard, and then above that clear all your cache.  

Let me know if that helps... 

No that didn't works brother

Still not padlock and the images are not loading properly

Login form doesn't work
dave Leader
dave Aug 19 '17
Some images may not be secure, this is normal.     Now regarding them loading at all  check this post and let us know.  


does the image show if you access it directly?    If not also check your permissions?

I just pulled up your site, it does not even load under https....  do you do have a certificate and is it installed and did you change the url in the config file

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 19 '17
Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 20 '17
Quote from dave Some images may not be secure, this is normal.     Now regarding them loading at all  check this post and let us know.  


does the image show if you access it directly?    If not also check your permissions?

I just pulled up your site, it does not even load under https....  do you do have a certificate and is it installed and did you change the url in the config file

I removed the cloudflare integration as none replied to my forums topics! That's y you couldn't load the site under https! 
The Forum post is edited by Vithul T Aug 20 '17
Fargo Jun 12
I think everyone had a problem with captcha which had to be solved somehow, I see that each of you suggests different options, but it seems to me that it can be because of a bad ad blocker, I when I just bought a macbook and did not install any ad blockers, I just had an eternal problem with captcha, then I decided to look for a way out of the situation and found anti-malware which helps me now with ad blocking and protects my PC from all sorts of malware.
The Forum post is edited by Fargo Jun 12
Post Minder
Post Minder Jul 2
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