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You don't have permission to access /admin/settings/page on this server. | Forum

Wally Sep 10 '12
I got this error when I tried to add javascript (tracker) to the "Custom tail code" in "Global page settings"

We have added a special php.ini file to the install which allows url_fopen, so I doubt it is related to that (but I can't be sure). we also had the host make a change to allow "embed" for adding videos.

I also had an issue with adding certain HTML tag to the splash page, but I gave up on using a splash page a couple weeks ago.

I am somewhat confused about all this. I have been using WP on this server for quite some time, and I never seem to have issues like this. Is there a hosting or other setting that needs to be changed to not have these permission errors.



Michael I.
Michael I. Sep 13 '12
Wally, so what is the main problem - a message that you don't have permissions? Can you PM me your Admin access details and your URL so that I could check into the issue? It would also be great if you provided more information on other problems you are currently facing.
Wally Sep 14 '12
Wow, I tried to be as clear as possible, but I guess I failed.

I tried to add a block of javascript to the "Custom tail code" text area in "Global page settings" (under the settings tab). I copied and pasted the javascript from Statcounter.com. When I clicked "Save" I got the following error message:

"You don't have permission to access /admin/settings/page on this server."

This also happened when I tried to update the splash page, but that planned change was abandoned, so I have no more details than that.

Michael I.
Michael I. Sep 18 '12
Okay, thank you for details, but it looks like I would still need your Admin Area access because I cannot reproduce the issue you've reported.