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Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 17 '17
I've integrated cloudflare to my oxwall site http://ushare.ml.

But the padlock (lock icon in the address bar that indicates https ) icon is missing in all browsers and images are not loading in some browsers.

I think the issue is due to mixed content error, How can i solve the mixed content error?

I want my oxwall site to load over https with padlock and images need to be loaded properly.

What are the changes that need to be made in oxwall to solve the issues.

The Forum post is edited by Vithul T Aug 17 '17
Norias Aug 17 '17
You can use the developpers tools of your browser to find http calls to images.

Vithul T
Vithul T Aug 17 '17
Quote from Norias You can use the developpers tools of your browser to find http calls to images.

What are the changes that i need to make in oxwall in order to prevent mixed content error?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 17 '17
There are several different posts related to this issue. Some talk about correcting the links in the db for the content. A few claim that new content that is added after the SSL certificate is added will get the correct link, but old content that is from an http site will have issues. I don't use the SSL, so can't really offer much.

Hybrid Feb 14 '19

If anyone is still struggling with Mixed Content issues even after trying all the possible solutions provided on the Oxwall Forum, try this:

Why not just add this to your page settings "Custom Head Code" --> Go to Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Page Settings --> Add this meta tag to your "Custom Head Code" section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

For a deeper understanding, please refer to the following: https://developers.google.com/...fixing-mixed-content