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Translating some text - OX Store | Forum

Rob Aug 26 '17

Is it possible to translate the texts Store and Buy (see attachments).?
Or does that have to be done manually with an editor, which is not so useful at all.

With regards,

Daydreams Exclusive

Bkascript Aug 28 '17

Quote from Daydreams Exclusive

Is it possible to translate the texts Store and Buy (see attachments).?
Or does that have to be done manually with an editor, which is not so useful at all.

With regards,

Daydreams Exclusive

did you try edit it here ? /admin/settings/languages?prefix=oxstore
Rob Aug 28 '17
We have indeed translated all translatable text in the settings as we do with all plugins. But the text "Buy" and "Store" will remain unchanged.
Bkascript Aug 29 '17
oh , sorry , so you need manually with an editor for edit it 

ow_plugins/oxstore/controllers/main.php  find function 

if($product['price_option']==0) $product['button']='Buy for Free';else $product['button']='Buy '.$currency.''.$product['price'];

and other text in function buyProduct(array $params)

Quote from Daydreams Exclusive We have indeed translated all translatable text in the settings as we do with all plugins. But the text "Buy" and "Store" will remain unchanged.

Rob Aug 29 '17

Maybe an good idea to process it in an update.?????

But, we tested the shop and concluded that the webshop definitely does not work.
The order goes well and the payment also, but then everything goes wrong.
For information: We have not tried this with a digital product, but with a product that needs to be delivered to the customer.!
The customer will be notified that payment has been paid (by PayPal) but does not see the purchase in their list.!
Plus the seller (in our case the admin) also receives a notification that a payment has been made (by PayPal), but in the product list it will not change anything.
And where is the payment in the plugin processed.?

We have the idea that the webshop needs some work to work well.
Now it's just a waste of money.

Bkascript Aug 29 '17
thank you for your idea , now it is store for digital product , but i will have update it as a web shop 
Rob Aug 29 '17
The idea is good, but you gif now an option in the webshop with which products can be put on sale and delivered.
You do not indicate in your information that it is specifically for a download webshop.
We are happy to wait for the update and temporarily set up the webshop offline.
We hope that the update will come soon.
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